The brazilian model for social security: notes for the comprehension of the social security development

Valter Martins


This article aims to discuss the development of the Brazilian model of social protection and its implications for access to citizenship rights. The study is a theoretical reflection Initially, characterizes the association of the social protection system on the concept of social law. Further, it addresses the origin of social protection and its development up to the 1988 Federative Republic of Brazil Constitution, especially the new conception of public social policies arising from the deployment of the concept of social security. Thus, ensuring the evolution of social protection is characterized as a contractual right to achieve its universalization In this direction reflects a pattern of wellness that focuses on the demands for reducing inequality, with policies and concrete actions of affirmation of social rights as part of citizenship rights by pointing to a strong relationship between state and citizen Later, displays the changes in the political scenario that resist the implementation of social rights in the form inaugurated by the 1988 Federal Constitution, mocking the original design of the Brazilian social protection, as well as its consequences for public policies. The main results point to an institutionalized social protection model, however fragile attention to its demand, requiring complementation of the market. We conclude, although the Constitution has meant a unique breakthrough to the Brazilian social protection, its materiality just posed to the whole population It considers, though, in a period marked by profound changes in the world of work, mainly linked to an increase in structural unemployment and underemployment, the social protection model has converged to a logic of access through the market, restricting citizenship to the purchasing power of people, thus implying directly in the form and content of public social policies that constitute the social protection system.


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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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