The court and the delivery of medecines by unified health system in Brazil : recent developments in a difficult relationship between judges and policy-makers

Eduardo Rocha Dias, Gina Vidal Marcílio Pompeu


The aim of this study is to examine the dynamics in the relationship between the Legislative and the Judiciary in the implementation of the fundamental right to healthcare in Brazil, based on a documental and bibliographical analysis of lawsuits aimed at obtaining drugs not incorporated by the Unified Health System. The enshrinement by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 of the right to healthcare as a duty of the State and a right of all, led to the modification of the performance of judges. From the position of self-restraint of the Judiciary on the subject, there was a growing intervention in public policies related to health. The Judiciary itself, from the Federal Supreme Court (public hearing) and the National Council of Justice (recommendations and resolutions), began to dictate guidelines aimed at rationalizing the performance of the judges. Nonetheless, the Legislative also triggered a reaction to the advancements of the Judiciary, through the editing of Law 12.401/2011 and the emphasis on the consensual solutions enshrined in the Code of Civil Proceedings of 2015 and Law 13.140/2015. Recent decisions issued by the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court point to the inflection in the position of the Judiciary. In this sense, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of recognizing the institutional limits for the actions of the Judiciary in the control of public policies related to health as well as the establishment of institutional dialogue between the Judiciary and the Administration to overcome mutual misunderstandings and incomprehension.


Fundamental right to health; judicialization; medicines; relationship between Legislative and Judiciary

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ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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