Liberalism versus democracy: the concepts of liberty of Berlin and the dialogue between Rawls and Habermas

Sérgio Antônio Ferreira Victor


This paper presents an analysis of the philosophical debate about how to accommodate the nowadays apparently contradictory values of liberty, democracy and justice in contemporary societies, and the usefulness of the tools proposed by the ideology of political liberalism to overcome some of the problems stemming from those relations. The analysis departs from the classic essay on the two concepts of liberty, by Isaiah Berlin and then moves on to the Rawls v. Habermas debate and the different alternatives proposed by each of them to the political conundrums referred to at the beginning of the text.


Conceitos liberdade. Democracia. Liberalismo político. Teoria da justiça.


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ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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