Looking for a BRICS perspective on international law

Gabriel Webber Ziero


The aim of this paper is to analyze whether there is a BRICS perspective on international law and what would be its main features. In the first part, the investigation inquires, based on Nietzsche’s theory of perspectivism, what a perspective is and whether the BRICS fulfils these theoretical thresholds necessary to possess a perspective on international law. After answering positively to this question, the areas of international peace and security, human rights as well as international economic law are scrutinized in order to verify how the BRICS perceives international law. The first two fields were chosen given the fact that they are the fundaments of the international legal system established after 1945, while the latter is related to the area where the BRICS has been focusing its attention since its creation. In a third moment, based on the findings of the previous sections, the structural fundaments of the group’s perspective on international law are identified. Finally, it is possible to conclude that the BRICS perspective on international law is based and shaped by the continuous interactions between the fields of international relations and international law present in the consensus-building process in international organizations as well as by the concept of state sovereignty. These findings allow filling the gap in legal research on the BRICS and better understanding its approach to international law.


BRICS; public international law; perspective; international peace and security; human rights; international economic law. (BRICS; direito internacional público; perspectiva; paz e segurança internacional; direitos humanos; direito internacional econômico)


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/rdi.v12i2.3678

ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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