The Legitimation of Violence

Geraldo Miniuci


This text is oriented by the following questions: What is terrorism? How does it differ from other legitimized violent acts committed during war or in the course of a revolution? In order to answer them, this article discusses, first, the legitimacy of violence and the moral judgment of it; second, it will address the distinction between terrorist acts, acts of war, common crimes and revolutionary action, on the one hand, and the concept of innocent victim and the legitimacy of the target, on the other. In short, a new classification for terrorism will be seen, which will appear as a tactic used by political groups, as well as by public authorities, in the course of a revolution or during a war.


direito; terrorismo; legitimidade da violência; vítima inocente; atores estatais; atores não-estatais



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ISSN 1807-2135 (impresso) - ISSN 1982-0720 (on-line) - e-mail:

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