Política Externa em Perspectiva: um balanço sobre a diplomacia dos presidentes Collor, Itamar, Cardoso e Lula 10.5102/uri.v4i1.271

Carlos Ribeiro Santana


A key characteristic of Brazilian diplomacy is its capacity to expand and diversify the country’s international relations. During the last two decades Brazil has had four presidents who led foreign policy according to their individual styles. This article aims to study in both practical and conceptual terms Brazilian foreign policy, its domestic and international constraints, and the country’s bilateral and multilateral relations during the last four presidencies.


Política externa; Diplomacia; Brasil;

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/uri.v4i1.271


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ISSN 1807-2135 (impresso) - ISSN 1982-0720 (on-line) - e-mail: universitas.rel@uniceub.br

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